Dr Josh Chatelier

Dr Josh Chatelier

Specialist Allergist and Clinical Immunologist

Dr Josh Chatelier is a Specialist Allergist and Clinical Immunologist who also works at the Alfred Hospital and the Royal Melbourne Hospital. He also has an honorary position at The University of Melbourne.

He has interest in primary immunodeficiency and allergic diseases. He is experienced in the management of immunodeficiency, hereditary angioedema, systemic mastocytosis, chronic spontaneous urticaria, and all aspects of allergic disease including severe asthma, allergic rhinitis, eczema, allergen immunotherapy, food and drug allergy.

He sees adults and adolescents 10 years or older in this practice.

He completed his fellowship of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians at both the Alfred and Royal Melbourne Hospitals, sub-specialising in Allergy and Clinical Immunology. His passion for immunology began during his undergraduate years at Monash University (BScHons) majoring in immunology and completing his thesis in vaccine adjuvants. He subsequently undertook his post graduate medical qualification at Deakin University (MBBS) and initially trained at Eastern Health.

He continues research in areas such as asthma, primary immunodeficiency and food allergy. He also enjoys teaching medical students and junior doctors, and giving lectures at the University of Melbourne.

Dr Chatelier is a fellow of the RACP, member of the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), member of the Transplantation in Primary Immunodeficiency (TAPID) group, member of the ASCIA immunodeficiency committee, and member of the European Society for Immunodeficiencies (ESID).